XkbActionCtrls - Returns the ctrls fields of act converted to an unsigned int


unsigned int XkbActionCtrls (XkbCtrlsAction act );


  • - act
        action from which to extract controls


Actions associated with the XkbCtrlsAction structure change the state of the boolean controls. The typefield can have any one of the values shown in Table 1.

c s
l l
l lw(4i).
Table 1 Controls Action Types
Type Effect
XkbSA_SetControls T{
A key press enables any boolean controls specified in the ctrls fields that were
not already enabled at
the time of the key press.
A key release disables any controls enabled by the key press.
This action can cause XkbControlsNotify events.
XkbSA_LockControls T{
If the XkbSA_LockNoLock bit is not set in the flags field, a key press enables
any controls specified in
the ctrls fields that were not already enabled at the time of the key press.
If the XkbSA_LockNoUnlock bit is not set in the flags field, a key release
disables any controls
specified in the ctrls fields that were not already disabled at the time of the
key press.
This action can cause XkbControlsNotify events.

The flagsfield is composed of the bitwise inclusive OR of the masks shown in Table 2.

c s
l l
l lw(4i).
Table 2 Control Action Flags
Flag Meaning
XkbSA_LockNoLock T{
If set, and the action type is XkbSA_LockControls, the server only disables
XkbSA_LockNoUnlock T{
If set, and the action type is XkbSA_LockControls, the server only enables

The XkbSA_SetControls action implements a key that enables a boolean control when pressed and disables it when released. The XkbSA_LockControls action is used to implement a key that toggles the state of a boolean control each time it is pressed and released. The XkbSA_LockNoLock and XkbSA_LockNoUnlock flags allow modifying the toggling behavior to only unlock or only lock the boolean control. The ctrls0, ctrls1, ctrls2,and ctrls3fields represent the boolean controls in the enabled_ctrlsfield of the controls structure. Xkb macros, to convert between the two formats. XkbActionCtrlsreturns the ctrlsfields of actconverted to an unsigned int.


    typedef struct _XkbCtrlsAction {
        unsigned char    type;    /(** XkbSA_SetControls, XkbSA_LockControls */
        unsigned char    flags;   /(** with type, controls enabling and disabling
of controls */
        unsigned char    ctrls3;  /(** ctrls0 through ctrls3 represent the boolean
controls */
        unsigned char    ctrls2;  /(** ctrls0 through ctrls3 represent the boolean
controls */
        unsigned char    ctrls1;  /(** ctrls0 through ctrls3 represent the boolean
controls */
        unsigned char    ctrls0;  /(** ctrls0 through ctrls3 represent the boolean
controls */
    } XkbCtrlsAction;