dvitodvi - rearrange pages in a DVI file


dvitodvi [

-q ] [

-i infile] [

-o outfile] [

-wwidth ] [

-hheight ] pagespecs[ infile[ outfile] ]


Dvitodvirearranges pages from a DVI file, creating a new DVI file. Dvitodvican be used to perform a large number of arbitrary re-arrangements of Documents, including arranging for printing 2-up, 4-up, booklets, reversing, selecting front or back sides of documents, scaling, etc.

pagespecsfollow the syntax:

  • pagespecs
                .I = [modulo:][mag@]specs
  • specs
        .I = spec[+specs][,specs]
  • spec
        .I = [-]pageno[(xoff,yoff)]

    modulois the number of pages in each block. The value of moduloshould be greater than 0; the default value is 1. The optional magparameter adjusts the file's magnification by the magnification specified. The magnification and modulo can be specified in reverse order if desired. specsare the page specifications for the pages in each block. The value of the pagenoin each specshould be between 0 (for the first page in the block) and modulo-1 (for the last page in each block) inclusive. The optional dimensions xoffand yoffshift the page by the specified (positive) amount. xoffand yoffare in PostScript's points, but may be followed by the units

cm or

in to convert to centimetres or inches, or the flag

w or

h to specify as a multiple of the width or height. If the optional minus sign is specified, the page is relative to the end of the document, instead of the start. If page specs are separated by

\+ the pages will be merged into one page; if they are separated by

\, they will be on separate pages. If there is only one page specification, with pagenozero, the pageno may be omitted.

The -woption gives the width which is used by the

w dimension specifier, and the -hoption gives the height which is used by the

h dimension specifier. These dimensions are also used (after scaling) to set the clipping path for each page.

Dvitodvi normally prints the page numbers of the pages re-arranged; the -qoption suppresses this.


This section contains some sample re-arrangements. To put two pages on one sheet (of landscaped A3 paper), the pagespec to use is:


To reduce an A3 page to A4 size, the pagespec to use is:


To select all of the odd pages in reverse order, use:



Angus Duggan, from dviselect(1), by Chris Torek, University of Maryland


dviconcat(1), dvibook(1), dviselect(1), latex(1), tex(1)
"MC-TeX User's Guide"
"The TeXbook"


Dvitodvidoes not adjust some of the parameters in the postamble. This may be a problem if these values are used to size certain structures in the output conversion programs.